Teaching in 2012

Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Kyoto U. (Spring 2012)

Part I, Statistical Machine Learning

April 17th - May 29th

Homework 1, Due May 14th 23:59 (by email).

Homework 2, Due June 18th 23:59 (by email).

Language Information Processing, Kyoto U. (Spring 2012)

Chapter on Machine Learning Approaches

June 4th - July 9th - July 16th


You can choose either of these two tasks:

  • Write a reading report on Topic Models by D. Blei and J. Lafferty, 2009.

  • Programming exercise to try topic models: Use an implementation of LDA (e.g. Gensim) to summarize a large corpus of text (e.g. the Reuters21578 database). Show how texts can be represented using LDA, highlight a few topics of interest as proposed in the paper above.

Please complete the assignment by July 30th, 23:59 and send it to me by email.

Please check here for more content on this course.

Introduction to Information Sciences, Kyoto U. (Fall 2012)

Here are the slides

Please complete the assignment described in the 4th lecture by November 26th, 23:59 and send it to me by email, with the title “Assignment IIS”