Marco Cuturi
Research Scientist, Apple ML Research, Paris
Professor of Statistics, CREST - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Research Interests: machine learning, optimal transport, optimization, time-series, kernels.
7 Av. d'Iéna,
75116 Paris, France
École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique
5 avenue Henry Le Chatelier
91120 Palaiseau, France Bureau 3021 / tel: +33.(0)
email Apple:
email ENSAE:
github: marcocuturi
mastodon: @marcocuturi
The Apple Paris office is close to the Palais de Tokyo. ENSAE is in the IP Paris, right next to Ecole Polytechnique.
Upcoming Events
Recent News
older news
18-Dec-23 IMS ICSDS, Lisbon
27-Sep-23 NCCR Automation Symposium, Brugg
18-Sep-23 Stat Maths Applis, slides, Fréjus
22-Aug-23 ICIAM OT Workshop, Tokyo
08-Aug-23 DOML Workshop, GRIPS, Tokyo
23-Jul-23 ICML Tutorial on OT, Hawai'i
26-Jun-23 MLSS, Krakow
23-Jun-23 FoCM, OT Workshop, Paris
05-Jun-23 Emerging Applications of OT, ETH
26-May-23 London Symposium on Info. Theory, UCL
25-May-23 UCL AI Seminar, UCL
06-Mar-23 Khipu school, Montevideo
16-Jan-23 OSL Workshop, Les Houches
07-Dec-22 Séminaire Palaisien
24-Oct-22 OT and Applications, SNS Pisa
19-Oct-22 ScaDS-AI seminar, Leipzig
28-Sep-22 SIAM MDS, Tutorial, San Diego
6-Sep-22 EURANDOM, Workshop on OT/Stats/ML, Eindhoven
16-May-22 Applied OT, IMSI
30-May-22 PDE Methods in Data Science and Machine Learning, Fields
28-Jun-22 IMS Meeting, OT Workshop, London
12-Aug-22 Machine learning and PDEs: theory, algorithms, and its applications, Postech, Seoul
02-Mar-22 MIA, Broad Institute
17-Jan-22 Zinal Winter School
01-Sep-21 Simmons Geometric Methods Bootcamp, Berkeley
04-Aug-21 MLSS Taipei
15-Jun-21 Conf. Apprentissage Automatique, St Etienne
29-Mar-21 Biostats Department Seminar, JHU
18-Mar-21 Bocconi Stats Seminar, Milano
24-Feb-21 Linköping University ML Seminar
16-Sep-20 talk at Riken
10-Sep-20 GAMM Workshop, Leipzig
04-Jul-20 SGP’20 Graduate School, Utrecht
02-Jul-20 MLSS Tübingen
13-Dec-19 Optimal Transport and Machine Learning Workshop 2019 @ Neurips 2019, Vancouver
19-Nov-19 spoke @ CORE Seminar, U. Washington, Seattle
16-Nov-19 spoke @ Optimization-Conscious Econometrics Conference, U. Chicago
15-Nov-19 spoke @ Optimization Seminar, Fields Institute, Toronto
14-Nov-19 spoke @ Math and Data NYU Seminar, NYU
06-Nov-19 spoke @ Statistics with Geometry and Topology, Toulouse
28-Oct-19 spoke @ Computational Harmonic Analysis and Data Science, Oaxaca
18-Oct-19 spoke @ FAST Global Innovation Forum, Yerevan
02-Oct-19 spoke @ ML in the real world, Criteo, Paris
05-Sep-19 slides for DALI Theory, Alg. and Comp. of Modern Learning Sys., San Sebastian
05-Sep-19 slides for DALI Geometric Deep Learning, San Sebastian
29-Aug-19 Spoke @ Structural Inference in High-Dimensional Models, HSE, St Petersburg
26-Aug-19 slides for MLSS in Skoltech, Moscow
31-Jul-19 Spoke @ Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning, Tokyo
23-Jun-19 Spoke @ People in Optimal Transportation and Applications, Cortona
13-Jun-19 Spoke @ Geometric and Topological Approaches to Data Analysis, Cambridge, UK
17-May-19 Spoke @ IST Young Scientist Symposium, Vienna
13-May-19 Spoke @ Optimal transport: from Geometry to Numerics, Vienna
09-May-19 slides given at the Introductory School on OT, Vienna
01-Apr-19 Imaging & ML, Paris
25-Mar-19 Les Houches Optimization and Statistical Learning
09-Jan-19 Slides for my MLSS South Africa presentation.
26-Nov-18 Slides at Bayesian statistics in the big data era
12-Nov-18 Slides presented at Optimal Transportation and Applications, Pisa
01-Oct-18 Joined Google brain in Paris.
17-Sep-18 spoke at Workshop ML and AI, Telecom ParisTech
13-Sep-18 Spoke at ICMS Workshop, Gradient flows: challenges and new directions, Edinburgh
05-Sep-18 Slides for my presentation at Structural Inference in High Dimensional Models, Moscow
28-Jun-18 Gave tutorial at Data Science Summer School at Palaiseau
18-Jun-18 My Slides at MLSS Buenos Aires
15-Jun-18 Spoke at Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadistica, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo
11-Jun-18 Spoke at The Interplay between Statistics and Optimization in Learning, Alan Turing Institute, London
04-Jun-18 Spoke at Mass Transportation Theory: Opening perspectives in Statistics, Probability and Computer Science, IMUVa, Valladolid
28-May-18 Slides at 50ème Journées SFdS, Saclay
25-May-18 Spoke at CSML Seminar, UCL, London
17-May-18 Spoke at Orsay Maths Dept seminar
14-May-18 Spoke at Séminaire AgroParisTech, Paris
26-Apr-18 TWiMLAI Interview about our NIPS Tutorial
12-Avr-18 Slides for my seminar at ENS Lyon
27-Mar-18 Spoke at Data Science Spring School, Kyoto
19-Jan-18 Spoke at Statistics/Learning at Paris Saclay, IHES
15-Jan-18 Spoke at Mathematics in Image Analysis 2018, Berlin
09-Dec-17 Optimal Transport and Machine Learning, NIPS 2017 workshop, Long Beach
08-Dec-17 Thanks to Mathieu Blondel for presenting our work on sDTW at the Time Series Workshop, NIPS 2017 workshop, Long Beach
04-Dec-17 Gabriel Peyré and I have released a first draft of our review book on computational OT, comments welcome!
04-Dec-17 Slides in .key, .pdf and .m4v formats of our NIPS tutorial ‘‘A primer on optimal transport’’, (with J. Solomon), Long Beach
30 & 31-Nov-17 Slides in avi or pdf format for my two lectures at PIMS, UBC, Vancouver
06-Nov-17 Mikhail Yurochkin and Nhat Ho have kindly shared python code on Wasserstein barycenters, implementing in particular our ICML’14 paper. See also Marcel Klatt's implementation in R.
28-Oct-17 Slides at ICCV Workshop, Geometry meets deep learning, Venezia
05-Oct-17 Gave a talk at France is AI conference, Paris
21-Sep-17 Thanks to all participants of the France Japan Machine Learning Workshop!
09-Aug-17 Slides for my presentation at ICML, Sydney (Code available).
01-Aug-17 Slides for my presentation at Optimal Transport and Related Topics, KIAS, Seoul
03-Jul-17 Slides for my mini-course at Lectures on OT and ML, KIAS, Seoul
8-Jun-17 Code for sDTW!, thanks to Mathieu Blondel.
22-May-17 Slides at SIOPT Workshop, kindly presented by Francis Bach.
10-May-17 Spoke at Mathematical Statistics Seminar of Weierstrass Institute, Berlin
30-Apr-17 Thanks to participants of Optimal Transport meets Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning, BIRS/CMO
23-Mar-17 Spoke at Statistical Recovery of Discrete, Geometric and Invariant Structures, Oberwolfach
18-Apr-17 Slides for my talk at RIKEN AIP, Tokyo
10-Jan-17 Slides for my talk at Functoriality in Geometric Data workshop, Dagstuhl
17-Dec-16 Spoke at Workshop on statistics, Hiroshima University
9-Dec-16 NIPS Time Series Workshop 2016 was held in Barcelona
13-Nov-16 Spoke at Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis, Fukuoka
9-Nov-16 Spoke at PGMO Days, Orsay
26-Sep-16 Spoke at IPAM Workshop, ML meets many particle problems, UCLA
19-Sep-16 Spoke at ECML/PKDD Workshop, Adv. Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data
18-Jul-16 spoke at Computational Optimal Transport, U. Montréal
03-Jun-16 spoke at Korea/Japan ML Symposium, Seoul
07-Apr-16 spoke at Statlearn 2016, Vannes
16-Mar-16 spoke at EECS - BLISS Seminar, UC Berkeley
19-Feb-16 Slides for my Microsoft Research Cambridge talk
04-Dec-15 Slides for ML Tea seminar, MIT
01-Dec-15 Slides for CILVR Seminar, NYU
25-Nov-15 Slides for my IBIS 2015 Workshop presentation.
18-Nov-15 Spoke @ Workshop on Learning, IMS NUS, Singapore
05-Nov-15 Spoke @ Recent Advances in Machine Learning and Applications, Nagoya
28-Oct-15 Spoke @ Germany-Japan Adaptive BCI Workshop, Kyoto
07-Oct-15 Slides for my Workshop on Optimization in machine learning, vision and image processing presentation
18-Sep-15 Slides for my GTC presentation
23-Aug-15 Thanks to the 430 participants of the MLSS’15 in Kyoto! (Pictures)
I received my Ph.D. in 11/2005 from Ecole des Mines de Paris. Before that I graduated from the ENSAE with a master degree from ENS Cachan. I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, between 11/2005 and 03/2007. Between 04/2007 and 09/2008 I worked in the financial industry. After working at the ORFE department of Princeton University between 02/2009 and 08/2010 as a lecturer, I was at the Graduate School of Informatics of Kyoto University between 09/2010 and 09/2016 as an associate professor (tenured in 11/2013). I have joined ENSAE in 09/2016, working there part-time from 10/2018. Between 10/2018 and 01/2022 I was with the Google Brain team. I joined Apple on 01/2022, working in the Machine Learning Research team led by Samy Bengio.